It Is Okay To Go Back...

When the Lord is calling you to turn around or to revisit something, it is okay to. I am trying to get back to a place where writing is a joyous thing. Once upon a time I wrote to release and express. Then it turned from having fun to writing for me. Since then, I have wrestled with getting back to a place where writing isn't for me. It has been hard but, I feel it is time to go back. I believe it is okay for me to go back to what I had abandoned.

What might the Lord be asking you to go back to or to revisit? How is the Holy Spirit allowing you to discern that? What will your response be?

I believe the Lord is asking me to go back to writing. I believe the Holy Spirit is showing me this by how I have been asked to teach, from words spoken to me by my husband and recently but reminding me of where it all started. My response is, "okay, Lord, I hear you. I say yes."