Can You See Me?

I am sitting here
In the place I saw
You last

Have I been so overlooked
That the shadow of Your
Leaning head has covered me
That I now appear
Like a dot
So small and minute
You miss me

I call on the name
I assume belongs to You
There seems to be one answer


I call on the name
I assume belongs to You
There seems to be a head turn

Opposite my location

Still I stand
In Your place of existing
Among all of life
Happening around me
Amidst all the noise
Calling my ears to witness

Can you hear me?

More than hearing

Can You see me?

If Your eyes are on me
Then hearing will not be a
Has occured
I am no longer in Your
Line of vision
No longer in Your word
Ini it Your vision is seen
My eyes
Far from it
I cannot see
You seeing me

So once again
I must ask

Can You see me?