Weekly Meditation
This week I am meditating on Jehovah Jireh: The Lord will provide; we see this in Genesis 22:14 after God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, the son he prayed for and given in his old age.
‘And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”’ — NKJV
Questions to ponder:
Q1: What would be hard for you to give to God? Why would it be hard?
Q2: Do you trust God with everything? If so, why? If not, what is hard to trust Him with/what area of your life is hard to trust Him with?
Q3: How do you understand provision? How have you seen/experienced provision in your life?
Q4: Do you want to know God to be provider in your life?
A prayer:
Abba Father, I thank you. I confess the ways I don’t trust you. I confess the areas of my life I have held back from you out of fear. I ask that you would help me change my understanding of what it means to have a provider and to be provided for. As you help me, I ask that you would come into my life afresh and anew. I welcome you into the places I once closed off and say have your way. I want to trust you with everything and with all of me. I ask that you would cover with your love the places where I fear. In you I am safe, I confess this truth and renounce the lie that I must have it together and I need to do it on my own. You are The Lord who provides, and I am thankful. In your name, amen.