This week I will be meditating on Matthew 6:33
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” NKJV
Questions to ponder:
This week will be meditating on Psalm 23:1
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." NKJV
Questions to ponder:
Q1: The first three words say “The Lord is…
This week I will be meditating on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
“9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I
Slowly I wonder how it came to be, that I am a mother of three.
Three young men I have been charged to mother, to care for and help them discover,
Discover who
at my core I am selfish,
this I know from action, thought and words spoken.
I am in need of a selfless Savior, daily.
by the minute, second and hour I need Thee.
Inch by inch ground is covered. Toe by toe the foot grows. How many steps until finished? Until the puzzle is complete? Until the picture is captured? Until peace is the victory won?
Moving so fast you forget to breathe, to take in air and this moment and all that surrounds you. You forget to be. When did life get this way? One moment you are
When the Lord is calling you to turn around or to revisit something, it is okay to. I am trying to get back to a place where writing is a joyous thing. Once
repression has become my most common expression, everything coming in yet nothing coming out, how pressurized my emotions and thoughts must be. trying to manage it all by not managing anything is an
there is a certain freedom in the unknown.
I regret the day I choose to find out.
the day i chose to let my circling thoughts get the best of me,
the day
mindset refreshed,
newness poured upon the brain,
showers. Storms send wind,
drive the rain and make what feared
come alive, take up unused space.
covering once again
what was once covered, held tight