This week I will be meditating on Luke 6:31

" And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise." – NKJV

***I encourage you to read above and below for greater context.***

Questions to ponder:

Q1: How are others treating/responding to me and what does that say about how I am treating/responding to them?

Q2: How do I want people to treat/respond to me?

Q3: How can I be better with how I do unto others?

Q4: In what ways am I needing to ask God for help that I can treat others from a healed/surrendered place?

A prayer:

Lord I thank you for your spirit that lives on the inside of me. I thank you that the Holy Spirit is our helper so I ask that your spirit would help me to treat others as you have instructed me. Your word says that we should loveour neighbors as we love ourselves, would you help me to love myself well that I may love my neighbor well and do unto them well. I thank you that you are the giver of all things and that you give without remorse and without holding back, would you lead me to look more like you. In your name, amen.