I have some things I want to say, I hope You will hear me out.
I will start with saying I am thankful for Your involvement in my life.
for the times
Is God really good? This is a question I have asked myself and have found to be
a legitimate question, requiring a legitimate answer. I know the Lord and have
been walking with
Confidence: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's
own abilities or qualities. This is one of the definitions Google provided that
I felt was most accurate
Some days my breathing is fluid,
sliding in and out of my body as
if I am a fish underwater.
The responsibility placed on me
by my father floats in and out of
Just keep smiling & keep laughing
never forget the power of a good laugh
how a genuine smile brightens dark days
how they make cheeks once hard as stone soft and full —
The green grass is starting to look more purple
Now that your blood has been splattered on it.
Tears hit the blades of grass turning the royal purple
Into a soft periwinkle.
What is consistency?
That is a great question. Consistency is a state of being, the way something
such as a liquid feels or in action, how often an action, mindset or feeling is