Connection route
Some are meant to be broken
Some merge new possibilities
Others are reminders of hurt
Leading us over obstacles
Guiding us through struggles
We never seem to take the ones that
I struggle with being needed. More specifically, I struggle with measuring my
worth and my usefulness by how much I am needed or not needed.
I am sure this is not a struggle
these pieces look to me for direction. positioning themselves where they feel
they belong. square edges don't fit in round corners. smooth brushes against
rough. something is out of place. while
When it is dark outside I do not like to drive. I become anxious and drive too
close to the steering wheel.
One time in particular, I was driving around 5 am and
the ground not as uncomfortable as expected. pieces of a story lie about.
sometimes catching a breath of a passerby and dancing on the clouds. a short
distance covered by a single breath.
I realized a few days ago that I sometimes want to be sad and when given an
opportunity to leave my sadness, I choose to stay.
Why might I want to stay in
tell me
when does a word turn into a pen?
an open mouth a seventeen lined poem,
a thought a fifteen page paper describing
what a mess my mind is and how I
completely wrapped and covered in the love of Jesus.
in peace.
in comfort of the Holy Spirit.
in protection.
in the truth of Jesus.
unable to break free from His grasp.
His hands.
who gives and takes away;
who tells the portion where it should go,
when to lessen its load when to release in full,
where it shall land and where to remove.
who gives
to follow is to listen.
placing trust in the voice and in the one before you. have you any hope in what
they say? have you any questions; looming in your mind; enchanting
My fíance and I recently adopted a kitten. Prior to picking her up, we went to
get some essential things for her. A litter box, food, a toy and cat litter.
What we
I AM your rest
draw near and I will provide.
I AM your trust
confide in me and I will answer.
I AM your peace
make known your cares and I will comfort.
Today I have realized that my insecurities are a product of my unbelief in who
God says I am.
Today I am wrestling with insecurities that I have not really wrestled with
There is a freedom that comes with remembering things. Even painful and
traumatic memories can lead to freedom. The freedom comes when I invite the Lord
to be with me.
Lately the Lord